Friday, November 22, 2013

So it appears that I have been slacking..again...with the thankfulness challenge.  I wish I could come up with a good "reason," then I realize it's just an excuse.  Last night we did get in late after spending the evening with our small group for dinner and an event at church.  So late that all three of us ended up crawling into bed within minutes of walking through the door, but it's an excuse.

20 - Thankful for screaming fits that turn into a happy child playing.  Just opening Little Man's toybox brings joy to his face.  Thankful that my baby sister, Auntie Em, made the toybox for him.

21 - I am so thankful that we are part of a church that is so missional in focus, and not just worldwide.  They understand and realize that our own backyards are mission fields, and encourage us to also view them that way.  They challenge us to go out and be "on mission" at home, at work, in our neighborhoods and communitites.

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