Monday, November 18, 2013

Giving Thanks

Every year I have the intention of doing the ever so trendy "What I'm thankful for today" posts, and every year I forget.  Here I am, 18 days into November, a week and a half out from Thanksgiving, and just sitting down to start thinking about it.  With all the craziness of school lately, and with how down I've been about it, it's been very hard for me to actually sit and identify some of the things I am thankful for, but here goes nothing.

1 - Being able to go out to lunch with Paul.  Being a teacher I have so few opportunities to have lunch with anyone other than my department members, having a lunch date is wonderful
2 - Having the money to buy groceries, without having to worry about whether or not we would have enough to eat for the week
3 - Serving as part of the Medical Team at church, and NOT having to respond to any emergencies
4 - A Monday when I wasn't observed.
5 - Walking by the side of Paul through life for the last 9 years, sharing the adventure of marriage for the last 2

Flowers Paul gave me for our anniversary

6 - A little boy who seems to be growing up so fast, and wanting to be so independent.

Little Man drawing all by himself

7 - An amazing small group to meet with every week and dive into Scripture, and share the trials and triumphs of life with
8 - A mother-in-law willing to watch Little Man for the weekend so Paul and I could get away for our anniversay
9 - Spending the day with just Paul, and not worrying about James...and an amazing date night dinner at King's Arms Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg

Fountain outside Jamestown Historic area

10 - A fast trip home from Williamsburg, and a crying baby when we got home.  Thankful for tears because when he finally calmed down, realizing Mommy and Daddy were home, the smiles were HUGE and the cuddles were much needed
11 - All the men and women who have served our country.  Especially thankful for all my family members who have served, and the spouses and children who served at home.
12 - Snowflakes, even just a few, to distract myself and my students.
13 - A job that I can come to every day, and a mission field that can be so difficult.  I love my students, and hate what education has become, but thankful that I can come into this place everyday and try to be a consistent face for some of my students who have no consistency in their life.

work...planning...trying to find time to tach

14 - A laughing fit with a class for a good 15 minutes.  A great way to relieve some of the tension of school
15 - Homemade pizza and adult beverages.  A night at home, catching up on missed television shows.
16 - An unexpected check in the mail, that way we can have dinner with friends on Thursday evening and not have to "borrow" from next week's food budget or the savings account
17 - FABULOUS children's ministry at church.  I know I can drop Little Man off and not have to worry about his well being while I help with older students and worship myself
18 - A beautiful day outside so that my failed lab doesn't stink us completely out of the classroom...and the fact that the guy next door was being observed, meaning I am off the hook today.

Seems I have caught up...for now.  It makes me a little sad that for just one month, I can't take 5 minutes to think about what I've been thankful for thday day.  I have plenty of time to check Facebook statuses, Tweets and Instagrams pictures, but I just "don't seem to have enough time" for reflecting on what really matters.  This has to change.  My attitude has to change about work, and money and life in general.

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