Monday, August 19, 2013

Blueberry Cake

As Paul and I were preparing for our wedding, the church required that we go through a mentoring program before we could get married in the church.  We had a wonderful couple who we still run into and have a wonderful time chatting with when we do see them.  Every week Sharon would make some sort of dessert for us to have during our time together, and one week she made a wonderful blueberry cake.  She explained to us that the recipe actually came from her neighbor who is now blind, but who would make this fantastic cake for them on occasion.  Sharon was kind enough to share the recipe with me, and I have since made it numerous times for various occasions.  Most recently Paul and I had to bring breakfast for Sunday School, so I decided I was going to make the blueberry cake.

Everyone at Sunday School loved the cake, and Little Man loves it too!

Today Little Man tried to lick the plate because he enjoyed it so much.

Blueberry Cake

1 cup softened butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour
1 pint blueberries

Cream butter and sugar.  Lightly beat the eggs and mix them with the butter/sugar mixture.  Add vanilla and mix well.  Reserve 1/4 cup flour, add remaining flour to sugar mixture.  Dredge blueberries with reserved flour and fold into sugar/flour mixture.  Pour into a greased fluted pan and bake at 375 for 1 hour.  Dust top with powdered sugar once removed from pan.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Bars

This dessert is one of Paul's favorites, and one his mom makes fairly frequently during the summer.  Today we were talking, and I mentioned that I wondered how they would taste as chocolate peanut butter chips bars.  This led to an impromptu trip to the grocery store to pick up the necessary ingredients and the experimentation could begin.  Frankly I have been thinking that the recipe could be modified some for a while now, but have come to realize that there are some things that are sacred when it comes to recipes we have been given.  I was super excited when Paul wanted to modify the recipe slightly, gives me the chance to take some tried and true recipes and make them my own.

Chocolate Chip Bars

1 package yellow (or white) cake mix
1/4 cup water
2 eggs
1/4 cup soft butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 package chocolate chips

Combine cake mix, water, eggs, butter, and brown sugar.  Stir in chocolate chips.  Bake in a jellyroll pan in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.