Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rails of Life

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:9

Rick Warren has said that he feels that life can be likened to a railroad track with the two rails. You have something good going and something bad going on at the same time. As you begin this day, this statement is probably true of you. Just remember that God’s ways are not our ways. What our culture might say is a “set back” God may be using as a “set up” for your greatest days ahead.
Be encouraged today knowing that God is using all things to work together for your good as you are seeking him on this journey to ReThink your life from his perspective. These things that seem to weigh heavy on you today are some of your greatest opportunities to grow!

Father, I thank you that your perspective is so much more vast than mine! I thank you that as I seek you, you have promised in your word that I will find you and you promise to give me wisdom for today! I commit this day to have an attitude of trusting you my awesome, all knowing and all-powerful God! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This morning I was reminded of the observation I have coming up (that has been rescheduled twice).  It is during my worst class this year, one where half the class is a behavior problem, and unfortunately means that the other half of the class does not get the attention they need, or deserve.  I can think of this as an opportunity for administration to find something wrong with my teaching, or I can think of it as a way for God to strengthen me and help me grow as a teacher.  This verse is a reminder to me that I need to work not to please man, but to please God, and to be that example for my students.  There are days when it is difficult to be the example, and then I remember that we are not told that being a Christian will be easy.  In fact we are promised it will be difficult...a constant reminder that God's ways are higher and better than our ways. 

Thinking of Rick Warren's example, isn't it nice that when we seem to be on the "bad track" that there are those ties that connect the good to the bad, and we have the choice to keep going along the bad, or have the choice to cross to the other rail.  What an attitude and game changer.

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