Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Trio

Our CSA at Brad's Produce has officially begun, and we have started getting some of our favorites. Last summer, we were introduced to cucumber dip by the ladies at the farm, and it quickly became one of our favorites. We get so many cucumbers, we don't know what to do with them, so this is a nice way to use them. Unfortunately, it is not super low calorie, by any means, but we are working on making some small changes to help with that.

Cucumber Dip
8 oz cream cheese
1/3 cup mayo
1 medium cucumber, seeded and chopped
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dill

Combine cream cheese, mayo, garlic and dill until smooth. Add cucumber and stir until well mixed. Best if made day ahead.

This dip is so simple, and versatile. It is great on crackers, especially pita crackers, and we also find it nice on turkey sandwiches. We up the garlic, dill and cucumber, to make it crunchier, and we love the flavor of dill. Last night when I was making this, Paul said that he loves the flavor of dill and thinks that it is not in enough foods that we eat. This brought us to adding more and more dill to the dip, and talking about the fact that you can't have cream cheese and cucumber without dill, the perfect summer trio.

This week, instead of eating it as a dip, we are using it as the spread on our turkey sandwiches for lunch. It gives us the creaminess of mayo, and the crunchiness of the cucumbers, all in one. Now just to figure out a way to cut some of the calories.